In the spirit of Women's History Month, this week we want to talk about organizations that help advance females in entrepreneurial roles as well as ways you can help by donating your time and career experience. There are many organizations worldwide that exist in helping women-led businesses get their feet off the ground or helping women further themselves in their careers.
Here are a few that are well known and would gladly take any donation (monetary, mentoring or volunteering) to continue the push for females to succeed in the workforce.
The Tory Burch Foundation - The fashion brand’s foundation works to empower female entrepreneurs. Every dollar you donate directly funds programs in business education and mentorship for women who hope to one day run their own business.
Women’s Venture Fund - This fundhelps women’s businesses begin, grow, and prosper through various programs, financial services, and beyond. For example, a $50 donation provides access to a newsletter of tips and advice for 50 women businesses.
#BUILTBYGIRLS - Take your professional skills and support females by mentoring them as they step into their careers in the tech, business or creative world. You would get matched with a student to help them explore possibilities and help build their network.
Women in 3D Printing - A global organization dedicated to promoting, supporting and inspiring women who use Additive Manufacturing. The organization focuses on helping shape the current women in this industry and encourage more women to join. There are various ways to get involved.
She Should Run- Thinking of getting into politics or have a friend that should? This is a US-based only organization that empowers women to run for local, state or federal offices. When more women run, more women lead. They are committed to increasing the amount of women running for offices to 250,000 by year 2030.

Let’s continue celebrating strong females out there! Whether your goal is to take your career experience and mentor someone or you, yourself are inspired to make a move in your career -The women’s empowerment movement is real and here to stay!